Fairies in Literature and Legend ~ Fairy Plays & Poems

Today, the image of a fairy that most readily springs to mind is of a delicate little winged creature like Tinkerbell from J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. However, this was not how our ancestors envisaged fairies.

Through the ages fairies have been through many transformations, shapeshifting via the mouths of storytellers and the quills of playwrights and poets and onto the page, stage, and screen. Every culture has its own story to tell. Here we explore the rich history of fairy lore in English literature in Shakepeare’s era…

This is a special extract from Fairies in Literature in Legend in The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies  to celebrate World Poetry Day.

Lily Fairy, Falero Luis Ricardo, 1888
Lily Fairy, Falero Luis Ricardo, 1888

In the Elizabethan age, with the spread of literacy, a new generation of poets and writers came from the country to the town, bringing their own traditions with them. These homegrown country beliefs mixed with ideas from the medieval romances to produce a new breed of small mischievous fairies in literature and on the stage.

Before Shakespeare, John Lyly was one of the first poets to introduce small fairies into drama. In Endimion (1591), fairies make an appearance to pinch the villain black and blue and reprimand him for prying into fairy affairs:

“Pinch him, pinch him, blacke and blue,

Sawcie mortalls must not view

What the Queene of Stars is doing,

Nor pry into our Fairy woing.”

The Sleep of Endymion, Girodet
The Sleep of Endymion, Girodet

But it was Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (c.1595) that fixed the image of little trooping fairies in the public consciousness. Unlike the larger-than-life fairy beings of legend and romance, Shakepeare’s fairies were “no larger than an agate stone,” as Queen Mab is described in Mercutio’s famous speech in Romeo and Juliet. But, like the fays of romance, Shakepeare’s fairies live in a community, ruled over by the princely Oberon and the fair Titania. And, like mortal monarchs, the fairy ruler has his jester in the form of Puck.

Like the fairies of country folklore, Shakepeare’s fairies enjoy dancing, have a penchant for cleanliness, and are wont to steal human children and leave fairy changelings in their place. They are mischievous and tricksy, and despite their diminutive size, still exercise a degree of power over nature; Oberon and Titania’s quarrels disrupt the seasons and the weather, causing storms that ruin crops and leave a shortage of food for humans.

The Quarrel of Oberon and titania, Joseph Noel Paton
The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania, Joseph Noel Paton

Once Shakespeare had placed fairies firmly in the limelight, a new fashion in poetry followed. Poets such as Drayton, Herrick, and Browne delighted in describing fairy courts in ever more minute detail. In Michael Drayton’s poem Nimphidia, The Court of Fayrie (1627), fairies are tiny enough to hide inside a cowslip bell. William Browne’s poems were slightly more rooted in folklore, describing underground fairy palaces that could be seen by the traditional method of looking through a “self-bored stone.”

Nimphidia, by  Michael Drayton
Nimphidia, by Michael Drayton

Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock (1717) is often cited as one of the first references to fairies having wings. The poem is a satirical take on Victorian society, based on a petty squabble that ensued when a gentleman cut a lock of hair from the woman of his fancy. The sylphs or fairies Pope describes are similar to the picture-book fairies that we are familiar with today.

Some to the Sun their Insect-Wings unfold,

Waft on the Breeze, or sink in Clouds of Gold,

Transparent Forms, too fine for mortal sight,

Their fluid Bodies half dissolv’d in Light.

Loose to the Wind their airy Garments flew,

Thin glitt’ring Textures of the filmy Dew;

Dipt in the richest tincture of the Skies,

Where light disports in ever-mingling Dies,

While ev’ry Beam new transient Colours flings,

Colours that change when’er they wave their Wings.

The Rape of the Lock, Canto II

While the fashion in the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages was for poets to prettify fairies, making them ever-smaller and often the butt of satirical jokes, William Blake took them seriously, famously saying that he had witnessed a fairy funeral procession in his garden, of creatures resembling the size and color of green and grey grasshoppers, carrying a little body laid out on a rose leaf.

Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing. William Blake c.1786
Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing. William Blake c.1786

This is an excerpt from Fairies in Literature and Legend, you can read the entire article in The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies.

#5 A roguish yet on the whole benevolent fellow

A sneak peek at some of the denizens of fairyland you’ll meet in The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies…

#5 Puck

Shakespeare’s merry jester.

Illustration ©Andy Paciorek
Illustration ©Andy Paciorek

Puck is now synonymous with the merry jester fairy in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. However, “pucks” already existed in British folklore before Shakespeare’s time as mischievous hobgoblins. “Puck” or “pouke” was an old word for devil, and variations of the name are found in various cultures: puki in Iceland, puk in Friesland and Jutland, pixy and pisky in Devon and Cornwall, phouka in Ireland, pwcca in Wales. Some say that Cwm Pwcca, or Puck Valley, in Wales, part of the romantic glen of the Clydach in Breconshire, was the original inspiration for the setting of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Shakespeare established Puck and Robin Goodfellow as names that can be used interchangeably to refer to a roguish yet on the whole benevolent type of fairy. He drew on traditional country folklore in his characterization of Puck, describing him as “sometime a fire.” In Worcestershire a “poake-ledden” traveler was one who had encountered a mischievous poake sprite in the form of a flickering light that caused him to stray from the path. Puck took on the form of a will o’ the wisp to play his midnight pranks and delighted in leading night wanderers on a merry dance.

Check back to meet a fairy a day in the run up to the release of The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies on 28 August, 2014.